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Six things we learned from Hamza Ali Abbasi's recent video

Six things we learned from Hamza Ali Abbasi's recent video

We all know Pyarey Afzal aka Hamza Ali Abbasi and his spectacular acting. He has been winning infinite hearts with his super energetic acting and exquisite expressions in dramas and movies alike. He has also sprinkled charm through cinema in movies like Jawani Phir Nahi Ani where he played the witty Saif opposite Aisha Khan.

Related: Did you know Hamza Ali Abbasi can play guitar with mastery?

However, a few of Hamza Ali Abbasi’s fans are a bit sad since last evening, as the actor has posted a detailed video on his Youtube channel about quitting acting. Moreover, his social media accounts delineate an outpour of love and blessings for his decision from his fans.


The actor announced that he is quitting acting in a video shared on a social media platform saying his decision is based on 10 years of research.

The actor, who recently married fellow actress Naimal Khawar, had said in a tweet in October that he will make an important announcement.

In the video message, the actor narrated his journey towards religion and told his fans he will now try to shape his life in accordance with Islam.

1: He started off the conversation with his age of adolescence and how he had become an atheist after having questions of existence and consulting a few religious clerics whose answers did not convince him.

2: The Pyarey Afzal thespian went on to speak about his conversion back to Islam and his trip to the US where he saw marvels of science. This made him think there must be someone controlling everything in the universe.


3: Death and the day of resurrection intrigued him to study more about religions, including Islam. The more he studied about life after death, the closer he came to Islam.

4: He used to think about the purpose of life and how important it is, to be able to answer appropriately to Allah Almighty on the day of judgment. He feels people forget everyone and everything. He recalled, people even forgot Alexandar and Michael Jackson so it is better for anybody to please and think about the one true God only.


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5: He then shared his future plans; charity and spending life talking about God and resurrection. He plans to make videos on topics people are scared to talk about. He has completely changed himself and urges people to watch his upcoming videos to seek answers to some unanswered questions about Islam.

6: He apologized to people who he had hurt intentionally or unintentionally. Furthermore, he said he is relinquishing acting for a long time. However, he plans to produce movies about Islam and Pakistan.

Well, we wish Hamza Ali Abbasi well for his decisions and future plans.

What are your views on Hamza’s decisions? Have your say in the comments’ section below.



blogSyed Omer Nadeem

Masters in Journalism—IBA | Masters in Advertising and Public Relations—UoK. A bibliophile, food enthusiast, entertainment aficionado, and a Lifestyle Journalist, by passion.