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Nadia Jamil Shares Heartfelt Photos On Twitter

Nadia Jamil Shares Heartfelt Photos On Twitter

In Pakistan, every day we hear different stories about children that are being killed, raped, forced into crimes, prostitution, and beggary around us. While we often like to complain, there are only a few of us who want to go a step ahead and actually do something about it.

We see viral pictures of various families take their maids to eateries and leave them unguarded outside the restaurants or on the floor but hardly few show the opposite.

And one must admit, that it takes utter bravery to actually go out and do something for the underprivileged. Nadia Jamil, a veteran actor, and philanthropist has retained the faith of numerous people in humanity when she tweeted that she adopted two street children.

Her older child, Sabir worked in a brick kiln ten years ago meanwhile her younger child Azaad was stabbed and burnt two years ago when she found them. She said that they are currently studying in a school, soaring in confidence.

In another tweet, she said that she was astonished to witness the transformation those kids went through. She called Sabir ‘Stoic’ and named Azaad as her ‘Chipmunk’ while having a fun time with them.

Azaad, being the younger one, happen to be a hyper one. Jamil uploaded a video of the cute lad dancing.

Before leaving for England, she hugged her children and asked her fans to pray for their happiness and success in life.

Nadia Jamil raises her voice on every issue this country faces. She has been involved in various humanitarian campaigns to seek a better living for a populace that has lack of resources.

What do you have to say about this philanthropic gesture by our superstar Nadia Jamil? Tell us in the comments below.


blogSyed Omer Nadeem

Masters in Journalismā€”IBA | Masters in Advertising and Public Relationsā€”UoK. A bibliophile, food enthusiast, entertainment aficionado, and a Lifestyle Journalist, by passion.