Zainab passed away, and with her, died two love stories, forever. Sikandar obsessively loved her and he was confident she will relinquish her marriage for him, but she did not go back. Murad, who often took her silence as a form of hatred towards him, had finally fallen in love with her, but she did not wait to see it. Both Sikandar and Murad’s Pehli Si Muhabbat did not make it.
Her departure not only made a void in Murad and Sikandar’s lives, but also in the lives of her brothers, Aslam and Akram; one who loved her to bits, and the other one who sacrificed her future for his honor.
Akram holds her feet, to apologise, to express his affection, and to let her know how does he feel for her. HSY aka Akram, pens, “Forgive me my sister. That gesture Akram shows to his sister Zainab by holding her feet at her death bed in forgiveness was heartbreaking to do. It truly broke my heart. The scene was emotionally draining for us all. We cried together and we all felt a real sense of loss. Akram, for all his resentment and his horrible attitude towards her, is left with a deep insurmountable sorrow and a reckoning of his mistakes that can never be fixed.”
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Aslam, who loves everyone in his family so dearly, is away, lying in a hospital, with his world seemingly turning upside down as Rakshi has just chosen her father’s honor over him. Aslam is in the middle of a telephonic conversation with Akram as soon as he learns about his beloved sister, his only best friend, his comrade’s demise. He could not even be there to hold her hand one last time to bid adieu or to listen to the last conversation she had with Murad.
Sikandar’s entire game of marrying Rakshi was to give Akram and his family the taste of their own medicine but Sikandar will equally suffer now, forever.
However, to cancel his potential suffering, Faizullah sends a messenger to Aslam, so that his honor stays intact and his daughter gets married anyway.
But how will Rakshi, who had already sent a message to Aslam that she has chosen her father over his love, face him now? And what will Aslam’s response be after everything he and his family have gone through?
How will Pehli Si Muhabbat unfold? Have your say in the comments’ section below.
Masters in Journalism—IBA | Masters in Advertising and Public Relations—UoK. A bibliophile, food enthusiast, entertainment aficionado, and a Lifestyle Journalist, by passion.